Hello you!
My name is Claudia, I feed my passion into this site. Engineer by day – I work in offshore renewable energy – but cook and baker every hour outside of that. Don’t let the cooking fool you though, I take my engineer’s mind into the kitchen as well, I absolutely love figuring out culinary science. To understand is to be abke to control. That definitely goes for cooking and baking.
Baking is science but more delicious!
I collect cookbooks for fun, but love reading the stories and adore browsing through recipes. For inspiration only, I don’t really follow recipes. I try to stick to the basic ratios for baking but then end up getting stubbornly creative. Mostly it goes well, sometimes it doesn’t. But that’s where the science comes in, if you understand WHY a recipe works it becomes a lot easier to adjust without it all collapsing on you.
My livingroom boasts bookshelves with over 250 cookbooks (yes, you read that correctly). I thought there is no such thing as too many cookbooks, until I had to move house…
I have done decorated cakes as well but have slowly moved more towards patisserie, as it provides a lot more different techniques, flavours and textures.
My decorated cakes involved frames – maybe that’s the engineer in me. But I also did a wedding cake for a friend. Way too much work, but I was damn proud of the result!
I’m always looking for (constructive) feedback. Leave a comment on a recipe you like, or if you found a mistake in it. If you are looking for certain information or a recipe, don’t hesitate to drop me a line.
I hope you enjoy the website!