48 brownies must sound like a lot, and it is (they are very tall as well), but these brownies disappear so incredibly fast that nobody will really mind. They are quite versatile, as you can serve them hot or cold, and with fresh fruit, jam, whipped cream, ice cream or powdered sugar. The brownies freeze very well, and you can heat them in the microwave straight from the freezer, which defrosts and warms them, without cooking them further. They only need a minute. I make a full batch and place most in the freezer, so I seem to always have wonderfully moist brownies available.
- 500gr butter, softened
- 500gr dark chocolate
- 8 eggs, large
- 400gr sugar
- 1 tbs vanilla extract
- 300gr flour
- 1.5 tsp salt
- 200gr walnuts
- 200gr pecans
Makes 48 thick brownies.
Line a deep baking tin with a minimum size of 27x37cm with parchment paper. This is the size of my baking tin and the brownies are still quite high in them. You can of course also make half the portion. I can advise to make the brownies deep rather than shallow, as they are much easier to bake to perfection that way. Shallow brownies overbake much quicker.
Melt the butter and chocolate together. You can do this au bain marie, but I always just toss it in the microwave and stir every minute until the chocolate has melted.
Start weighing off your other items after you melt your chocolate, as you want it to cool down a bit, to prevent the eggs becoming scrambled eggs. Maybe you’ll develop a new trend, but preventing the situation is likely better.
Mix together the eggs, sugar and vanilla until light and fluffy (am I the only one who thinks of Despicable Me when they hear “fluffy”? I always mentally go “It’s so fluffffyyyy!!!!”). Toast the nuts and chop them coarsely. I usually chop about half finely and half coarsely, which seems to be the only option in a kitchen machine anyways. Combine the flour, salt and nuts.
Mix the chocolate-butter mixture in with the fluffy egg-mixture until combined well, then mix in the flour and nuts. Spread the batter out in the deep baking tin.
Bake for 30-40min on 180°C.
Test the brownies, they should not be liquid, but the inside should be gooey and stick to the wooden skewer you stick in. These deep brownies are not as likely to overcook, but still be careful as you don’t want them to turn into a very dense, dry cake. You want the center to remain moist, so remember that they do somewhat continue to cook when you remove them from the oven.
Cut the brownies when (almost cooled). Serve with fresh fruit, cream or ice cream.